New Moore Holsteins expands portfolio

Excellent Progenesis Novo daughter of New Moore Esmeralda 38 EX-93
Recently, New Moore Holsteins expanded their portfolio by including new photos of three amazing producing daughters of their flagship New Moore Esmeralda 38 EX-93!
You have already been introduced to New Moore Novo Esmeralda 93 EX-90, one of Esmeralda 38 EX-93 her highest classified daughters, via the picture above. The second lactation Progenesis Novo daughter, with EX-92 mammary, will close her current lactation with over 15,000 kgs of milk in 305 days.
We could already admire the second calver New Moore Fitz Esmeralda 103 VG-88 (VG-89 FR), by Toc-Farm Fitz, at the video competition of De Zuidwesthoek 2021. During this virtual competition she won the Honorable Mention title in the Intermediate Class. This VG-88 Fitz also manages to perform well in the milking parlour with a projected 305-day production of 12,785 kgs of milk with 4.61% fat and 3.55% protein.
New Moore Fitz Esmeralda 103 VG-88 (s. Fitz)
Of the three daughters photographed, the comparison between daughter New Moore Esmeralda 72 VG-89 (EX-91 FR) and dam New Moore Esmeralda 38 EX-93 is perhaps the most significant! The 4th lactation Larcrest Contrast daughter of Withaar-Prent is not only physically similar to her dam, but also produces a tremendous amount of milk! Her current lifetime production is 56,859 kgs of milk with 4.07% fat and 3.43% protein. Esmeralda 72 VG-89 also was successful at her last performance: she won the title Reserve Senior Champion at the video competition Zuidwesthoek 2021.
New Moore Esmeralda 38 EX-93, the reigning Grand Champion of the Dutch HHH Show, is pregnant of sire Regancrest-GV Bradnick and will soon freshen for the 7th time!
New Moore Esmeralda 72 VG-89 (s. Contrast)
Dam: New Moore Esmeralda 38 EX-93 (EX-96 DS) s. O Man