
Third 100.000kgM cow from Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90

In the autumn of 2024, Holbra Xanti surpassed the milestone of 100,000 kgM lifetime production. She is the third cow descending from Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90 at Holbra Holsteins to achieve this remarkable feat. Both her dam and maternal-sister also reached this remarkable feat....

Embryo Sale

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Blondin Success

Lot 838: Dropbox x Blondin Success VG-89

Straight from the Res. Udder Champion @Rundveeshow Noord 2023: Blondin Success VG-89 (EX-91 MS), the direct daughter of Star of the Breed 2021" Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal EX-97!

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