Genomics News

Lis-Leck breeds #2 GPFT Red

Lis-Leck RedMagic VRC is the #2 GPFT Red in Italy (08-2015). RedMagic is a RED Headliner son of Morsan Lis Tretica-Red. He shows very good numbers and combines milk, very nice type and good health traits. A Supershot half-sister to RedMagic sells at the German Master Sale. More information: Lis-Leck Holsteins.

Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86
Morsan Lis Tretica-Red VG-86, dam to RedMagic

Lis Tiara-Red VRC, full sister to RedMagic

Lis Tilly Red VRC, Supershot of Tretica-Red

Genomics News