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Impressive round of scores for Willem's-Hoeve

Earlier this week, the Willem's-Hoeve dairy farm had another classification round. A group of 14 2-yr-olds did really well, scoring an average of VG-85.9 overall and VG-86.8 for Mammary System. Along with the 2-yr-olds, some second- and fifth-calving cows were also rescored. You can read more about some of the highlights!

The Willem's-Hoeve Rita family was well represented, not only on the dam's side but also on the paternalside, showcasing the family's strong influence in the herd.

The star of the day was Willem's-Hoeve Baily 2441 RDC. This third-calver has some strong connections to the Rita family through her sire, Willem's-Hoeve Optum Red (Attico Red x Rita 1538 RDC VG-88). Baily 2441 RDC scored VG-89 and got EX-92 for both Frame and Dairy Strength. She comes from a long line of VG generations and traces back to Regancrest-RH Durham Bliss VG-89, who happens to be the full sister of the famous Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92!

3th Dam: Willem's Hoeve Baily 653 VG-89 s. Atwood
From another international cow family, MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92, the fifth lactation Willem's-Hoeve Atlees 1990 (sired by Willem's-Hoeve R Browning, a Snowman x Rita 331 VG-89) was great scred as well. As of November 2024, the Browning daughter has kicked-off her fifth lactation and has produced 52,645 kg of milk over five lactations so far. She scored VG-89 with VG-91 for Diary Strength and Frame.
Among the top-scored 2-yr-olds is Willem's-Hoeve Rita 2793, sired by Willem's-Hoeve R Viano. This heifer has Willem's-Hoeve breeding on both sides. After about five months of lactation, she scored VG-88 and reached a maximum of VG-89 for her Frame. Rita 2793 VG-88 is a direct daughter of the well-known show cow Willem's-Hoeve Rita 1263, an award-winning EX-90 Bradnick daughter. This signifies the emergence of the second first calver scoring 88 points from their home bred sire Viano, highlighting the notable success of their breeding program.
Willem's-Hoeve Rita 2946A, a fresh Stantons Chief out of the VG-89 Undenied daughter Willem's-Hoeve Rita 2134, was praised for her mammary and type. For this, she received maximum scores of VG-89! The Chief daughter, who calved at 2.00 years old, is a wonderful result out of the Reserve Intermediate Avondbloesemshow 2023, Rita 2134 VG-89. 

Willem's-Hoeve Rita 2134 VG-89
When seeing the name Esther, people might think that the De Jong family has kicked off another successful, but that's not quite right. Drouner Rednex daughter, Willem's-Hoeve Esther 2873 Red, who scored VG-87 (max VG-89 MS), is actually a lesser-known branch of the famous Cricket daughter, Willem's Hoeve Rita 670 EX-91. The red factor in this line came from her Jotan dam, which started a fresh and promising red branch.
The more extreme and dairyness breeding, Croteau Lesperron Unix, has also turned out to be a great fit for the Ritas. Willem's-Hoeve Rita 2859 (Unix x Silver x VG-85 Bolt RF) got her first score of VG-87, with a max of VG-89 MS!
Out of fourteen first calvers, thirteen are from the allround Rita cow family. This family really delivers when it comes to udder quality, boasting an average score of VG-86.8 for MS!
Baily 2441 RDC Optum Red B 3 92 92 88 86 89


Atlees 1990

Browning B 5 91 91 90 87 89

Rita 2503 Red

Optum Red R 3 86 86 87 90 88

Rita 2793

Viano B 1 89 87 88 87 88
Rita 2701 Steyr B 2 89 87 89 87 88
Rita 2946A Chief B 1 89 89 89 86 88

Esther 2873

Rednex Red R 1 88 88 89 83 87

Rita 2859

Unix B 1 87 87 89 85 87
Rita 2686 Steyr B 2 87 86 88 86 87
Rita 2798 Rubicon B 1 85 87 88 86 87
Rita 2861 P Silver B 1 88 86 88 85 87
Rita 2958 Effektiv R 1 86 87 87 84 86
Javina 2684 Steyr B 2 83 86 88 87 86

Rita 2872

Davinci B 1 83 87 88 86 86
Rita 2961 Malki B 1 83 85 87 88 86
Rita 2799 Galore B 1 86 85 86 83 85
Lis 2243 Shakespeare B 1 84 83 84 88 85
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