+69 TPI for the proven leader Genosource Captain

Genosource Captain
The December proof run was -again - a success for Genosource Captain. The proven American bull has been untouchable at the top for several index runs now and also seems to be far ahead of the new bulls that have come through! In addition, his influence within the Holstein population can no longer be ignored with a continuing stream of sons and grandsons in the American top as well.
With about 1750 lactating daughters in America, Captain (by Charl) remains the indisputable number 1 in the daughter-tested TPI list. Captain, coming from the sought-after and successful Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage EX-90 family, managed to strengthen his leading position compared to August by an increase of no less than 69 points in his total index and now gives 3253 TPI and thus continues to push all boundaries! The number 2 of the August run, Mr T-Spruce Frazz Lionel (3042 TPI, -57) drops to a shared seventh place this month together with the former number 3 sire Siemers Rengd Parfect (also 3042 TPI, -42). However, with +2.61 PTAT and 2.12 UDC, Parfect remains the best conformation sire from this top 100 breeding bulls. These bulls clear out the way for Farnear Upside (Charl x Jedi), which at the age of four years received early proven numbers in August and is now testing 3122 TPI based on >900 daughters. He is followed by highest newcomer Ladys-Manor Outcome (3rd position) from the strong breeding conformation Ladys-Manor Star Opal EX-94 family with 3078 TPI. Former sire of sons Silverridge V Einstein shows an increasing index even after 6 daughter-proven runs in a row and is in 10th position with 3036 TPI (+32)!
Within the top 100 International progeny proven TPI bulls is the highest conformation sire with +3.53 PTAT, 2.93 UDC & 2914 TPI sire Siemers EXC Hanans 31753-ET (Excalibur x Doc). He obtained his first numbers based on milking daughters in December with 174 lactating daughters in his index and has headed to a 49th place in this ranking. Cherry-Lily Zip Luster P (Zipit P x Kingboy) follows Hanans on the basis of gPTAT with +2.67 PTAT, 2.27 UDC and 2891 TPI. This leaves his PTAT unchanged compared to August.
Siemers Renegade Parfect
St Gen R-Haze Rapid (Rubi-Haze x Rubicon) #5 proven sire
Siemers EXC Hanans 31753
Young genomics bulls
The list of young genomics bulls with a NAAB code is headed by three bulls that share both sire and maternal sire! Leading the way in this index run is STgen Cowen Thorson-son OCD Thorson Ripcord [A2A2]. This newcomer makes a strong debut, partly due to his dam's sire Captain, with 3375 gTPI (NM$ +1486), good amount of milk, a plus in fat % and good fertility indexes. Also new in the list of NAAB bulls and of the same combination as the number 1 bull (Thorson x Captain) is Genosource Bonjour in a shared second place. With 3316 gTPI (NM$ +1366) and a significant gap compared to the frontrunner, Bonjour does scores a PL of +6.3 and a higher fat and protein inheritance. This Thorson son descends via many strong conformation dams to none other than Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET EX-92! Ocd Thorson Darth Vader (Thorson x Captain) also scores 3316 gTPI and shares the second position with Bonjour.
The highest polled bull of the December 2023 index turn is Winstar Maxwell P son Denovo 20256 Rosco P, a distant offspring of Snow-N-Denises Dellia EX-95, which now gives 3177 gTPI. Winstar Klassic P, a Bomaz Perfect P son that goes back to Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97, with 3144 gTPI and NM$ +1258 follows in second. The 15-month-old Klassic P is also an interesting polled bull, partly due to his quit different aAa code of 513. A bull that combines high conformation (3.46 gPTAT & 3.02 UDC) with 3033 gTPI and that leads to the 11th position in the polled list is Siemers Haniel. This 13-month-old bull is a grandson of Siemers Doc Hanan 28286 EX-92, dam of the aforementioned proven bull Hanans. and descends from Snow-N Denises Dellia.
Go HERE to all December bull proofs
Siemers Doc Hanan 28286 EX-92 by King Doc, dam and granddam of numerous top TPI and conformation bulls!