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Willsbro Garrett S Madison, what a production!

Willsbro Garrett S Madison owned by Koepon Genetics finished her 305 days record. And how! In 305 days she produced 15.346 kg of milk with 3.46% protein. On average she produced over 50 kg of milk / day in 305 days. Herewith she produced 82% above herd average. She is the highest producing 2-yr old ever at Koepon. With this production she confirms her genomic index. In the Netherlands she still scores +500 INET and that with +3429 kg of milk in her index.

Snowman family

Madison is a Garrett daughter of Broeks Madison, a VG-89 classified Shottle daughter of Broeks MBM Elsa EX-90. Elsa is also the dam of Flevo Genetics Snowman (s. O Man), a bull that shows also a great production index of +418 INET!
Further is this pedigree we find Ever-Green-View Elsa VG-89, a Aaron daughter that produced 18.148 kg of milk in her first lactation. Next dam is Ever-Green-View Elsie EX-92 (s. Bell Elton) with a second lactation of 23.850 kg of milk (365 days).

General News