Great round of scores for JU Holsteins
The recent classification day at JU Holsteins brougt, in addition to several VG scores, also an improved excellent score for JU Dora 594. We bring you some highlights!...
The recent classification day at JU Holsteins brougt, in addition to several VG scores, also an improved excellent score for JU Dora 594. We bring you some highlights!...
On the GenHotel Embryo Sale page you can find some interesting embryo combinations. Click below at "MORE INFO" to visit the auction site.
Embryos directly out of the stunning KccK Amaretto-Red daughter: R&B am Maryam Red VG-88 VG-89-MS (MAX) 2 yr. who comes from the same family as the legendary RH Talent Maxima EX-94 and FG Madame EX-92! Dam is the beautiful ViG My Love Red VG-87, a granddaughter of RH Maibrit EX-92 who took 2nd place in her class at the DHV Show ‘17 and produced over > 80,000 kgM!
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