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August USA results females

The USA genomic results of newly tested females in August have been published by the Holstein Association USA. With great additions to the top 50 gTPI in Europe for GenHotel members WKF Holsteins, De Oosterhof and 3STAR Genetics.

With 3197 gTPI and 1233 NM, 3STAR OH Lina is the highest Danhof-HH Metcalf daughter of all Metcalfs tested in Europe. Lina excels with an extreme production proof (132 lbs fat and 88 lbs protein) and combines this with functional conformation. She is also the number 1 of all Metcalf daughters on the German base with 159 gRZG (shared). Her dam, an AltaWheelhouse granddaughter of the full sister of the former number 1 RZG proven bull Topstone, will calve at De Oosterhof in September.

We have already seen that daughters of the American bull OCD Trooper Sheepster score high for gTPI in previous runs. This month, 3STAR Riva 9202 is  one of the highest Sheepsters with 3154 gTPI. Riva's pedigree goes back via Parfect and Riveting to Bomaz Salvatore 8066 RC, at the time one of the highest red factor females worldwide from Bomaz Holsteins in Wisconsin.

Sheepster daughter WKF Shster Ellis is also in the top 50 gTPI in Europe in August with 3127 gTPI, due to an excellent production proof and positive health scores. Her dam is the WKF Holsteins-bred Sandy-Valley R Conway daughter WKF Conway Emma, who stems from the Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90 family, also the cow family behind renown bulls such as Sandy-Valley Bolton, Ricecrest Murphy, Delta Nearby RF and Stol Joc.

In this month's European top 50 gTPI there's another Sheepster daughter out of 3STAR OH Magnio RDC, the full sister of the internationally widely used bull sire 3STAR OH Romaner RDC. 3STAR OH Maggio RDC scores 3123 gTPI, making it one of the highest newly tested red factor females in Europe. Dam Magnio, a Ranger-Red granddaughter of the super breeding cow and multiple bull dam Pen-Col Superhero Mistral EX-91, now has 17 daughters over 3000 gTPI, of which 6 above 3100 gTPI!

Click here for the top 50 gTPI newly tested females in Europe in August.

3STAR Bomaz Rive VG-85 (s. Riveting), 2nd dam of 3STAR Riva 9202

Royal Idevra Titanic Estate EX-90, great brood cow in the pedigree of WKF Shster Ellis

Pen-Col Superhero Mistral EX-91, many descendants over 3000 gTPI!

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