3STAR Signal P impresses with his milking daughters

The offspring of the promising no. 3 polled proven bull 3STAR Signal P attracted the attention of many visitors last Friday during the HighlightSale in Hamm, Germany. The seven daughters presented managed to convince breeders on many fronts.
The well-developed, young daughters of Signal P (Simon P x Imax) impressed with their high and strongly attached rear udders that show a beautiful texture. In addition, the udders show a desired teat placement and the teats show enouth length. The presented daughters showed hocked legs. Their rums show enough width and are slightly sloped.
After the index run in December 2024, the Simon P son made his debut as a proven sire with a index of of 140 RZG based on 45 milking daughters in Germany (85% Rel.).
3STAR Signal P
Signal's sire KNS Simon P