VOST Select Sale purchase develops into 19th generation excellent!

Raiana, Solomon daughter bred by D. Huhne (Germany). Photo by Anne-Mette Evers
An European record, which was achieved last week in Germany after VOST Select Sale 6 purchase Raiana was appraised with excellent in her third lactation! The now six-year-old Walnutlawn Solomon daughter was sold as a three-month-old heifer calf to Cosmic Type Syndicate in 2018 for € 5,400 and is now owned by Kleemann Holsteins Lütetsburg, Germany. With this classification score, Raiana is no less than the 19th generation excellent IN A ROW!
Raiana (by Solomon) is via EX-92 Bradnick x EX-93 Atwood a granddaughter of Oakfield Pronto Ritzi EX-93, one of the in total six excellent daughters of Castleholm Dundee Rhapsody EX-90! Through many generations she goes back to Pinehurst Rapture EX-96 (by Elevation), the 13th dam of the German Raiana. In addition to being a record holder within Europe, this American cow family, herdbook registered for at least 90 years, is also the record holder of the first cow family worldwide with 12 generations of excellent in a row (achieved with Raiana's 7th dam Pinehurst Royal Rosa EX-91).
Regancrest Gv S Bradnick dam Rihanna EX-92 established the foundation of the European branch of the Ritzi EX-93/Rapture EX-96 cow family. Rihanna won the Intermediate Champion at Neumünster am Abend in 2018 and competed for Germany at the European Competition in Libramont in 2019.
The recent classified Raiana by Solomon owned by Kleemann GbR was awarded with EX-90 (EX-90 MS) after calved for the third time in October 2022. She finished her second list (305-day production) with almost 12,900 kgsM.
You can consign your special female(s) for the VOST Select Sale 11 on Friday 24 November 2023, until Friday September 1st! Click here for more information.
Golden-Rose Barbritzi B-Red EX-90
(Barbwire-Red x EX-94 Absolute-Red x EX-94 Goldwyn x EX-91 Shottle x Pronto Ritzi EX-93)
Golden-Rose Rasberry EX-91 (s. Epic), maternal sister to dam Rhianna EX-92, also known as bull dam
4th dam: Oakfield Pronto Ritzi EX-93 (s. Pronto)