First classification score for former donor Romy P RDC!

Poppe Red Hot Rita 860 Red VG-87, 4th dam to Romy P RDC VG-86
WG Star P RDC daughter, Sanderij Rita's Romy P RDC, was sold to Diepenhoek Holsteins two years ago during the GenHotel Selection Sale 2022. The polled and red-factor Star P RDC daughter was flushed several times by her new owner due to supplied embryo contracts. Despite this, Romy became successful pregnant afterwards, calved at the beginning of this year at 2.02 years, and was classified this week with VG.
Sanderij Rita's Romy P RDC has now more than 10 offspring from various former sire of sons including Soysauce, Feit P Red, Master P, and Member PP Red. One of these offspring is the homozygous polled Diepenhoek Romy 4 PP RDC, by Member PP Red, with A2A2 and 135 gRZG. Her highest offspring, testing 143 gRZG, is a red factor and heterozygous polled full sister of Romy 4 PP RDC. She was born in Germany after Romy P RDC successfully fulfilled her embryo contracts from Qnetics.
The classifier awarded this former embryo donor with VG-86 (VG-88 DS). Romy is via, Poppe Red Hot Rita 860 Red VG-87, a member from the well-known Willem's Hoeve Rita cow family. Her full brother is De Sanderij RUW Matrix Red, which is also a result by of a successful sale of embryos to AI-station RUW, from the combination K&L OH Matty P RDC x Poppe Red Hot Rita 9033 Red GP-83. This embryo donor was sold by Poppe Holsteins and Red Hot Holsteins (Martijn v.d. Boom) during the VOST Select Sale 2019!
6th Dam Willem's Hoeve Rita 0438 Red VG-87 (s. Mr Burns RC)