Exciting showresult for R&B Altatop Ailene Red, close family to lot 11 Aimy Red!

R&B Altatop Ailene Red VG-87
The GenHotel mailbox is flooded with messages about the latest show results achieved by its members. One such update is about R&B Altatop Ailene Red VG-87 (VG-89 MS), the index giant, who performed exceptionally well at the Fokveedag Putten last Saturday. Co-breeder and owner Roubos Holsteins is thrilled to have been put on the map due to this achievement.
Ailene Red is a Koepon AltaTop-Red daughter out of brood cow Rhala RE Quickstep Red and freshened again back in December for the second time. During her show debut in Putten, she secured second place in her R&W class of intermediate cows due to her youthful appearance accompinied by her great dairy strength and wonderful udder.
Ailene Red comes from a well-known cow family. Her dam, Quickstep Red ultimately leads back to the famous KHW Goldwyn Aiko RDC EX-91 through VG-85 Salsa RC x VG-87 Supersire x VG-85 Alexander. Aiko RDC EX-91, Red Impact Cow of the Year, is a direct daughter of Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95. In the GenHotel Selection Sale, lot 11 RH Ramm Aimy Red is currently being offered with 159 gRZG and 377 gNVI. In fact, Ailene Red VG-87 (VG-89 MS) is the maternal sister of Aimy Red's granddam R&B SW Aimy Red VG-85! This cow family's popularity with breeders and sireanalysts remains strong, and it's easy to see why, given their impressive lineage and performance.
Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85 (s. Salsa RC) - granddam Ailene Red VG-87
Same family: Lot 11 RH Ramm Aimy Red