Melkveebedrijf De Oosterhof - Willem Scholten


Genomic index DEU: +145 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 962 M 0.18%F 0.06%P 59 F 40 P 133 RZM
Health 122 RZN 127 RZS 103 RZR 121 RZGes 2023 RZ€
Type 111 KÖR 113 MTY 104 EUT 110 FUN 115 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2839 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 1316 M 0.07%F 0.05%P 70 F 55 P 905 NM
Health +6.2 PL 2.59 SCS -0.7 DPR
Type 1.22 UDC 0.89 F&L 1.32 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +301 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 1388 M 0.09%F 0.06%P 68 F 54 P 385 INET
Health 604 LVD 111 UGH 111 CGT 104 VRU
Type 101 FR 106 RB 102 UI 102 BE 103 TOT

1 Progeny

De Oosterhof 3STAR Sunmac Red
+148 GRZG


De Oosterhof 3STAR Sunn RDC

2.01 305d kgM %F kgF %P kgP


3STAR OH Sunnyside Red

2.11 305d 9.187kgM 4.66%F 428kgF 3.65%P 336kgP

The absolute R&W top of the world! with three sons in AI


K&L Sv Sunny Red GP-84

2.05 305d 11.615kgM 4.16%F 483kgF 3.29%P 382kgP
4.01 305d 11.180kgM 4.34%F 485kgF 3.50%P 391kgP
5.08 305d 9.276kgM 4.09%F 380kgF 3.18%P 295kgP

Top broodcow with 3 sons in AI and many high daughters Full brother is Schreur Shimmer RDC @ GENUS/ABS ! From he fantastic Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk family, bulls such as Sympatico, Secure, Mr Savage and Laron P hail from this family as well

Salvatore Rc

Schreur Sunny RDC


Next generations

  • MS Sunview Coin Sunglow RDC GP-83 (s. Cashcoin)
  • Dymentholm Sunview Sunday RDC VG-87 (s. Snowman)
    Dam of progeny proven Mr Sunview Coin Sunfish
  • Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk RDC EX-90 (s. Planet)
    Former no.1 gTPI red carrier globally Mother of Dymentholm S Sympatico Dam of Dymentholm S Sympatico who was one of the highest gTPI & gLPI bulls. Sold for $1.000.000 as an 2-yr-old together with offspring! 
  • Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence RDC VG-85 (s. Bolton)
    Sons in AI,such as Des-Y-Gen Santos & Des-Y-Gen Solero Full sister to Silence, sold for $ 104.000
  • Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Secret RC VG-87 (s. Goldwyn)
    Dam to Secure Red & Mr Savage At least six excellent classified daughters Voted Red Impact Cow of the year 2011
  • Gen-I-Beq Durham Sherry VG-87 (s. Durham)
    Granddam of the proven Red bull Schreur Laron P
