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Top polled Red Holstein from none other than I'm Good VG-87!

The remarkable dairy cow, KHE I'm Good VG-87, has already produced over 70,000 kgM and has shown an impressive breeding power that continues through several generations. One of her great-granddaughters, Poppe 3STAR Glennis P Red (lot 9), will be up for auction next week. So this is your chance to get a Member out of this family!

Lot 9, Poppe 3STAR Glennis P Red, is a Tirsvad 3STAR Member PP Red daughter that traces via Star P RDC x Durable back to the impressive bull dam I'm Good VG-87. Glennis boasts a genetics profile that includes a remarkable 156 gRZG and 374 gNVI, making her one of the top polled females. Her genomics also reveal a high will for production, excellent longevity, and a score of 121 EUT (udder) in Germany.

The full brother to Glennis P Red will go to SEMEX!

The young bulls 3STAR Poppe Manitu @VOST, 3STAR Poppe Gigantic @Xenética Fontao, and Poppe 3STAR Magic Bull @RUW are all sons of Glennis' granddam, Poppe K&L Gorgina. Glennis' sire, Member PP Red, was a popular homozygous polled Red Holstein bull in Germany, known for his excellent conformation and production abilities.

Poppe K&L Gorgina, granddam

K&L Poppe Goody VG-86, Soundcloud x I'm Good VG-87

​KHE I'm Gossip VG-87, full sister to I'm Good VG-87

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