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The 155 gRZG scoring ZHW Vivify Dallas sells!

During the Bavarian All Breeds Spring Sale tomorrow, ZWH Vivify Dallas [A2A2 BB] from the herd of ZHW Holsteins, will be auctioned as lot 84. This calf's impressive genomics profile is expected to generate significant interest. The live/online sale can be followed via the livestream and bids can be placed at

Dallas is an early daughter of Vivify and has a high score of 155 gRZG. She also transmits a descend amount of milk with high levels of fat (0.26%) and protein (0.18%), as well as desirable health traits. Her full sister was sold for a whopping €11,000 during the Masterrind Exclusive auction earlier this year. Dallas' dam sired by Foreman, is calving for the first time this summer.

The in December born Dallas belongs to a cow family which originates from North America, tracing back to Coyne-Farms Ramos Jelly VG-85. This family had a significant influence on Holstein breeding in the early days of the genomic era and is still widely used today. Through her daughters, Jelly produced bulls such as De-Su Altajohnson, De-Su Altajackman, and Coyne-Farms Jabir, and also the international used bull De-Su Battlecry hails from this line.

Male descendants of Jelly have also been used intensively in Dallas' home country, such as the daughter-proven Shep son Supercup @Synetics, a full brother of her 4th dam, and Balingo @Qnetics (Bali x De-Su Shep Denise), born at Volke/Hauck. Current sire of sons from this family are Semex top bull T-Spruce Harmony, Peak Mecanico and Progenesis Radiowave.

Lot 84 ZHW Vivify Dallas (Vivify x Foreman x Crown)

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Full sister to granddam Denver VG-85: ZHW Destiny GP-84

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