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Rammstein Red scoring 159 gRZG, 2700 gTPI & 377 gNVI!

Lot 11 from the GenHotel Selection Sale is RH Ramm Aimy Red, a DG DV Rammstein Red daughter from the herd of Roubos Holsteins. Aimy has impressively high scores of 159 gRZG, 2700 gTPI and 377 gNVI, making her one of the top-ranking Rammstein Red daughters in Europe.

Aimy her dam is R&B Freestyle Aimey Red, a Poppe Freestyle-Red daughter and direct daughter of the previous Red Holstein NM$ leader and the number one Swingman Red for NVI: R&B SW Aimy Red VG-85. This lineage can be traced back to Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95 through proven brood cow and multiple bull dam Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85, the dam of the proven sire Rhala Re Blues Red.

The Altitude RDC cow family is highly regarded internationally for its outstanding genetic predisposition and global marketing potential at both genomics and conformation levels. Aimy Red is sold with embryo contracts and you can already buy her today. Check out her video and sale page for more information, click here.

Lot 11 RH Ramm Aimy Red [Rammstein Red x Freestyle-Red x VG-85 Swingman Red]

Batouwe Salsa Aiko Red VG-85, 4th dam

A-L-H Australia RDC VG-87, 5th dam

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