Purchasing Maxima/Meggilee-descendant was an excellent investment!

ViG My Love Red during her show debut in Kromme Rijnstreek
In 2018, Arjan Roubos (Roubos Holsteins) and Pieterjan Bakker (Batouwe Holsteins) attended the VOST Select-Sale 6 to purchase a red heifer calf with excellent conformation from a well-established cow family. The sale presented two top calves from the Maxima/Meggilee cow family: FG Mylene Red by Jacot Red and Redneck daughter ViG My Love Red. The Dutch breeders chose ViG My Love Red, which was then housed by the Roubos family.
As a heifer, she was flushed to Mr Blondin Warrior-Red, resulting in five impressive, dairy-like, red calves. One of these calves, R&B Wr Meggilee Red, was later sold at the VOST Select Sale 8 in 2020 and auctioned for a significant price, successfully repaying the initial investment.
ViG My Love with three of her Warrior-Red dauhters (spring of 2021)
My Love Red made her show debut at Oogstfeest Kromme Rijnstreek, where she achieved the junior heifer champion titel. In her first lactation, the Redneck daughter classified VG-86 with a maximum mammary score of VG-89. In her second lactation, My Love raised her score to VG-87. Her best daughter, R&B AM Maryam Red is sired by KCCK Amaretto Red and achieved the impressive classification of VG-88 as a 2-yr-old, with a maximum mammary score of VG-89 as well.
Arjan and Pieterjan aimed for success at shows with My Love Red and her offspring, and their success has surpassed expectations:
- R&B WR Maxima Red (Warrior-Red x My Love) was named Junior Heifer Champion of the virtual HHH show in 2021.
- R&B AM Maryam Red (Amaretto Red x My Love) won the Intermediate Championship, Champion Best Udder, and the Res. Grand Champion Fokveedag Putten last spring.
R&B AM Maryam Red VG-88, owned by Roubos Holsteins
Granddaughter Batouwe Rednex Maxyme Red (Rednex Red x VG-88 Amaretto Red x VG-87 Redneck) continues the family tradition by winning the Best Red Championship at the Jongveedag Hoornaar and 2-yr-old R&W Championship at the Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt last summer.
Batouwe Rednex Maxyme Red
Both Roubos and Batouwe Holsteins have remarkable offspring from this family, and their future appearances at various (national) shows promise to be exciting!
By Pieterjan Bakker, Batouwe Holsteins.
For you, the chance to showcase success might be found in the upcoming VOST Select Sale 12 on Friday, November 29, 2024. The sale's pre-selection includes promising show heifers from prominent international sires known for producing title-winning progeny!
Stay up to date via vost-select-sale.de or www.genhotel.nl