Genomics News

Proofs: Canada

Proven bulls

Based on his first milking daughters Marbri Facebook (+3012 LPI) takes the lead in Canada. New in the top 10 are Sudan, Lego and Builder. AltaRazor, Caliber and Man-O-Man are still in the top 10.

Robust and Mogul are the #1 and #2 in LPI “foreign” bulls in Canada. They are followed by Bookem. Mixer and Supersonic also have a first daughter proven index in Canada and their start is promising.


The highest genomics bull for LPI is EDG Rubicon at +3596 GLPI. #2 and #3 are RH Superman (Supersire x K&L MOM Pam) and Cogent Supershot (Supersire x Rose Super Shot). Supersire and Mogul sons dominate the GLPI list.

Proofs Canada / Fokwaarden Canada (August 2014)

More info: Canadian Dairy Network

Genomics News