Hoge RF Danillo op de Stouwdamshof

Genos TQ Rita 1 is the name of a very interesting RC Danillo daughter at Stouwdamshof Holsteins (van t Hof family). She is the number 2 RC Danillo daughter in the Netherlands with +270 gNVI (red/white basis).

Willems Hoeve Rita
No introduction is needed for the Rita family. Cows from this family are used as bulldams for a longtime already. The dam of Rita 1 is a Tequila daughter of a Lightning daughter to Willems Hoeve Rita 282. This Rita 282 is one of the best, maybe even the best (!!), Ricecrest Marshall daughter in the world and stems out of the Lord Lily daughter Willems-Hoeve Rita 233A EX-92.

Great type
Production, longevity and type, that is the Rita family. Rita 1 scores 115 for type and 116 for udders (red/white basis) and is one of the highest Danillo daughters in the Netherlands. Genos TQ Rita 1; a very interesting member of the Rita family.

Willems Hoeve Rita 9309 RC VG-87, granddam of Rita 1

Willems Hoeve Rita 233A EX-92, great brood- and showcow